Thursday 26 July 2012

How Liposuction Works

Liposuction removes fat from specific areas of the body using suction.  During this procedure a thin metal tube called a cannula is inserted through the tiny cuts in the skin and fat is suctioned out.  With improved technology, the procedure has been made safer, easier, and less painful.  The two newer techniques being used are tumescent liposuction and ultrasound-assisted liposuction.  Tumescent liposuction is used to numb the area of the body where the cannula will be inserted.  General anesthesia is not always required with this procedure.   A large amount if an anesthetic solution containing lidocaine and epinephrine is usually injected into the fatty tissue before traditional liposuction is performed.  Ultrasound-assisted liposuction uses ultrasound to liquefy the fat which makes it easier to remove.  This technique is used in removing fat from the upper abdomen, sides and back.

During liposuction recovery the area of the body that was treated is firmly wrapped to help reduce swelling, bruising, and pain.  Elastic bandages and tape, support hose, and a special girdle may be used depending on which part of the body is treated.  Some patients have to wear the garment for at least 3 weeks following the surgery.  You can expect alloy of bruising and swelling for at least the first 7 to 10 days after the procedure.  Fluid may drain from the incision area for several days.  In many cases, your plastic surgeon will prescribe antibiotics to reduce the risk of infection.

Most patients are able to get up and move around as soon as the procedure is finished and after the effects of the anesthesia have worn off.  You can return to your normal activities as soon as you feel at ease.  Most people return to work within a few days after the procedure.  Liposuction recovery may take longer for larger areas that were treated.  Because of the liposuction risks involved, it is mainly used to reshape one or more areas of the body and not to reduce body weight.  It is not used to treat cellulite or stretch marks.  This body contouring procedure is used on areas that have not responded well to diet and exercise, such as the outer thighs and hips on women and back on men. Other commonly treated areas are the face, neck, abdomen, back, buttocks, legs, and upper arms.  Liposuction can be used alone or in combination with other cosmetic surgery procedures such as tummy tuck, breast reduction, or facelift. 

Tuesday 24 July 2012

Best Liposuction Results

You may be wondering how it is that celebrities manage to stay so skinny.  Although many of them manage to do so by sticking to strict diet and exercise programs, many of them have resorted to plastic surgery to perfect their bodies.  Celebrities aren’t the only ones getting a sleeker look with plastic surgery.  About 500,000 liposuction procedures are performed each year in the United States, making it the most popular cosmetic surgery.  The vast majority of these patients are highly satisfied with their Liposuction before and after pictures.

Liposuction, also known as lipoplasty is a body contouring procedure that slims and reshapes specific areas of the body by removing excess fat deposits.  Through this procedure, your plastic surgeon is able to improve your body contours and proportions in order to enhance your self-image.  Fat is tissue made up of cells that store energy and insulate the body.  Fat is generally located beneath the skin and is deposited around the body depending on the person’s gender.   For men, fat typically collects in the chest, abdomen, and buttocks. 

There are two layers of fat: deep and superficial.  During a liposuction, the plastic surgeon will make a tiny incision and insert a hollow stainless-steel tube called a cannula into the deep layer of fat.  Working on this layer of fat is safer than working on the superficial layer because there is less risk of injuring the skin.  Typically, your doctor will push and pull the tube through the fat layer.  Through the movement, the cannula breaks up the fat cells and a vacuum pump removes the fat through suction.

Although many people are able to maintain good health through diet and a reasonable level of fitness, some people are still left with disproportionate contours as a result of localized fat deposits.  This is sometimes a result of family traits and not a lack of weight control or fitness.  Liposuction is mainly used to treat stubborn fat pockets in many parts of the body including the thighs, arms, neck, hips, waist, back, chest, and more.  In some cases, liposuction is used to get better results from plastic surgery procedures such as a facelift, breast reduction, or a tummy tuck.  It is important to note that liposuction should not be used as a substitute for regular exercise and healthy diet.  The Liposuction before and after pictures are obtained in patients that are healthy and have a stable weight. 

Friday 20 July 2012

Liposuction Cost – Determining Cost and the Benefits of Liposuction Before and After Pictures

If you about getting a liposuction. This is a cosmetic procedure which involves dissolving and sucking out fat deposits in specific areas of the body. Some of the trouble spots for people include the chin, buttocks, thighs, belly, and upper arms, among others. The liposuction cost can vary depending on where you get your procedure, as well as other factors. It's best to look at liposuction before and after pictures to get an idea of what to expect. 

Choosing a liposuction surgeon can be a daunting task. You will want to look at their qualifications, years of experience performing liposuctions, and liposuction cost. You can also view liposuction before and after pictures to get a better idea of the type of work that they perform and what they can do for you. The total cost should include factors such as use of the operating room, nursing staff, post-operative garments, laboratory tests, and the surgery itself. The cost of surgery will depend on the area of the body that you are having surgery performed on..

Some of the areas of the body associated with a higher liposuction cost include the hips and outer thighs, because these cover a wider area with more fat to be removed. Belly fat can also be at the top of the price range. Oftentimes, patients will want to have more than one area worked on during the same procedure, which can also raise the cost. When you look at liposuction before and after pictures, you may notice that many patients have their thighs and abdomen worked on at the same time, for example. 

There are many other factors that can influence liposuction cost, in addition to the area that is worked on. The time and effort required to complete the surgery will be part of this calculation. This may depend on your medical history, and what shape your body is currently in. The geographic location of the surgeon and the level of experience that he or she has will also play a role, with those who have years of experience being able to charge more. Even if you like the liposuction before and after pictures of someone with little experience, there is have lost weight but find that there are stubborn pockets of fat that refuse to budge no matter how much you diet and exercise, you may want to think 

a slightly higher risk when you go to someone inexperienced. These are just a few factors to think about. 


Friday 29 June 2012

Liposuction and Breast Augmentation in Beverly Hills

A trim physique says a lot about a person: it says that this person is active, that she takes care of herself, that she takes pride in her appearance, and that she wants to make the best impression on everyone she meets. Getting a trim physique can often seem like more work than it's worth. Diet and exercised is tedious and often don’t produce the results you want.   It can be difficult to find time and energy to exercise, especially considering how busy people tend to be these days. Liposuction has been helping people for years to get the body they desire.

Getting liposuction can make you feel slimmer and sexier than you have in years. And your body rejuvenation doesn't have to stop there. Many patients choose to combine a liposuction with a tummy tuck to further sculpt their body to get results similar to the Liposuction before and after pictures they like.  Whether it's because of a lack of exercise, your diet got away from you, or you've had a few kids, it can be difficult to get those perfectly flat abs you desire without a little surgical help.   Luckily, there are new techniques for these body contouring procedures which help make slimming down easier with a short recovery time.

Breast Augmentation before and after pictures

Sometimes, achieving the body you want isn't just about taking things away that you wish weren't there. Sometimes, it can also be about adding a little enhancement to areas that you wish were more accentuated. That's exactly what breast enhancement procedures offered in Beverly Hills can do. With a breast augmentation you can highlight the appearance of a tiny waist. Breast implants can help you attain the voluptuous figure that you've always envied on other women. This summer, you'll be the envy of other women as you show off your new beach body, filling out that bikini top in admirable fashion.

But in order to build the perfect body for yourself you see in breast augmentation or Liposuction before and after pictures, you need the ultimate plastic surgeon in Beverly Hills. Why Beverly Hills? Because Beverly Hills, has the most experienced plastic surgeons in the nation. And you know what they say: practice makes perfect. If that's true, then it's no surprise that Beverly Hills surgeons are the best; after all, they've had more practice than any other plastic surgeons in the world.

Monday 25 June 2012

View Tummy Tuck before and after pictures - Is A Tummy Tuck Right for You?

There are thousands of Americans that are tired working out and cutting back on the foods they love without seeing any progress in their bodies. Fortunately for these people, there is a surgery called abdominoplasty, also known as a tummy tuck which removes excess fat and skin from the abdominal area.  During this procedure the plastic surgeon creates a flatter and firmer midsection so that the patients have the ability to build firmer abs.  Often times, this procedure is confused with liposuction.  Although the two body contouring procedures have a lot in common, there are a few differences to note.  A liposuction procedure removes fat from certain areas of the body but it does not remove excess skin from the body.

Scheduling a consultation with a board certified plastic surgeon will help you determine if a tummy tuck is a good procedure for you because they will factor in your medical history with their experience.  Talk to your surgeon about the pros and cons about the procedure to help you make an educated decision.  Maintaining a stable weight through diet and exercise are key in achieving good results as seen in tummy tuck before and after pictures.

Tummy Tuck before and after pictures

If you are thinking about having another pregnancy or planning to lose more weight, it is recommended that you wait until after to have a tummy tuck procedure.  Just like with any surgery, there are risks and complications involved in a tummy tuck.  One of the most common side effects patients experience is pain and soreness in the midsection a few days after the surgery.  In some rare cases, infection and bleeding between the skin flaps can happen and thick scars can develop.

Patients that undergo a tummy tuck are usually hoping to achieve an abdominal profile that is flatter and smoother.  In order to achieve results as you see in tummy tuck before and after pictures the plastic surgeon needs to remove excess skin from the abdomen while also tightening the loose abdominal muscles.  Browsing through before and after pictures of patients with similar body shapes and sizes will help give you realistic expectations for your surgery.  If there are no images available online for the surgeon you are considering, be sure to ask him/her when you go in for your consultation.

Tuesday 5 June 2012

Liposuction Trends in Los Angeles

Liposuction, which is also known as lipoplasty, liposculpture suction lipectomy, or quite simply, lipo, is based on an European curettage technique, but the primitive technique gave irregular and disease-susceptible results, leaving fat reduction as a not-yet-available, futuristic method for cosmetic enhancement. It wasn’t until the 1980s when modern liposuction as we know it came to be. And now, over 30 years after the first actual liposuction, advancements in surgical technology have allowed more fat cells to be more easily removed with less risk, discomfort, and blood loss. According to the most recent figure released by the American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery, liposuction was the most common procedure performed in 2011- having a near 13% increase from the previous year.

In the past, women have shied away from drawing attention to their rear ends, but with celebrities known for their curvaceous backsides- such as Kim Kardashian, J-Lo, and Beyonce- all ending up on “Most Beautiful Body” lists everywhere, it seems as though society and popular culture has come to embrace a woman’s shapely derriere. The advent of giving prominence to the female’s buttocks is perhaps a reason for the recent surge in liposuction’s popularity. Brazilian Butt Lifts are becoming an increasingly common form of sought-after liposuction surgery. In a nutshell, this procedure is buttock augmentation via fat transfer to the buttock; essentially, you can now liposuction unwanted fat from a certain part of the body, say your abdomen or thighs, and strategically transfer them to your buttocks to produce the desired shape. Although patients are discouraged from sitting for the first two weeks in order to encourage new cell growth, they can expect up to a 25% increase in the size of their buttocks after the procedure, with the results being (theoretically) permanent.

liposuction before and after pictures

Because of recent trends and its rising popularity, buttock augmentation surgery and liposuction recovery Los Angeles technology has been on the media and technological developments forefront. Revolutionary methods within the field of liposuction have cut surgery and recovery times while raising patients’ satisfaction levels. These recent developments mean buttock augmentation surgery needs to neither use buttock implants anymore nor use general anesthesia (which is more costly and riskier than local anesthesia). Patients are now able to stay awake during their entire buttock augmentation procedure while experiencing only very little comfort. Since patients are getting their own fat transferred, the chances of tissue rejection are very low, and the results are smoother and more natural looking than with traditional buttock augmentation surgeries, as evidenced by liposuction before and after pictures.

Friday 25 May 2012

Breast Augmentation Techniques: Gummy Bear Implants Gaining Popularity

Breasts are a big business in the U.S. despite a slow economy.  About $1 billion is spent in breast enhancement surgeries each year.  According to the American Society of Plastic Surgeons, more than 300,000 women undergo breast augmentation each year- up 45% since 2000.  Now women are seeking out a new type of silicone breast implants that are often referred to as the “gummy bear”.  These implants have significantly improved the Breast Augmentation Before and After results.

The implants were given this catchy name because even after they are cut in half, the breast implant remains stable and retains its shape just like the gummy bear candies.  The implants are filled with a cohesive gel and are form-stable.  The “gummy bear” breast implants have become quite popular as they look and feel more like natural breasts than other options available on the market.  Other characteristics that make the “gummy bear” implants stand out is that they are safer and have a lower rupture rate than other types of breast implants.  The “gummy bear” implants are high-strength silicone gel implants that are manufactured by a company called Sientra.  These breast implants have already been approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration.

Breast Augmentation Pictures

Advances in breast implant technology have made a huge impact in the market.  In the last 15 years, since silicone implants were approved by FDA and made available, the number of cosmetic breast procedures has tripled.  For years, high-strength silicone gel breast implants were only available to patients that were willing to take part in clinical trials.  There are several Breast Augmentation Pictures of these procedures for patients to compare before they choose their breast implants.

It isn’t uncommon to see patients undergo more than one breast augmentation surgery in their lifetime. As new techniques become available, many patients that have breast implants will consider having them replaced with new ones.  Some of these patients have reported that their old ones feel like “weird water” underneath the skin.  The goal for most breast augmentation patients is to get breast that look and feel natural. Although many breast implant patients do not have any problems, many of them want to keep up to date with advances in technology.  Most women don’t want breast implants that look so fake or feel foreign to their body.  

To read more about breast implants, please refer to:

liposuction recovery Los Angeles: Once Again on the Rise

Despite a slow economy, the plastic surgery industry is running stronger than ever: the American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery revealed that there was a one percent increase in the amount of cosmetic procedures done in 2011 when compared with stats from 2010. Of the most popular types of cosmetic surgeries, liposuction was the most sought after procedure.

A recent study published in Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery found that the great majority of liposuction procedure patients were pleased with their results. This is perhaps due to the fact that liposuction is one of the least invasive cosmetic surgical procedures (incisions from surgery are small and minimal), which leads to evident results without a great deal of post-op pain or recuperation time.

liposuction recovery Los Angeles
The newer technologies allow for faster, more efficient liposuction procedures, usually needing only one treatment to fix any trouble spot. Smartlipo™ is a recently developed procedure which uses lasers to not only remove fat but to also tighten skin in an area as well as to promote collagen production. VASER® Lipo is another new liposuction method in which ultrasonic waves, rather than via suction or lasers. These newer technologies also allow for faster recovery. Modern amenities in many liposuction recovery Los Angeles locations help speed along the recovery process. As newer technologies in the world of liposuction such as Smartlipo™ and VASER® Lipo become more readily available and as more flexible payment options are offered by doctors’ offices, patients are now able to get their dream cosmetic surgeries.

Another emerging technology in plastic surgeons’ offices these days are three-dimensional photo systems such as Vectra® 3-D imaging. The technology, which until recently was reserved for Hollywood movies, allows patients to view realistic liposuction before and after pictures before they even have the procedure done. By allowing patients to accurately see what they would most likely look like after their procedure, they are more prepared for their changes and are going into their surgeries with more realistic expectations- raising the satisfaction level that is now being associated with liposuction procedures.

Thursday 17 May 2012

Tummy Tuck Before and After Pictures- What to Look For in Before and After Pictures

Tummy Tuck, also known as “Abdominoplasty” is a body contouring procedure which helps in removing the excess fat and skin. In many cases, it also restores separated and weak muscles by creating an abdominal profile which is firmer and smoother.

According to research of American plastic surgeons, natural process like physical exercise and weight control methods are not completely satisfying for every person. All men and women with protruding belly, weak abdominal muscles and loose hanging skin are the good candidates for this surgery.

Since it is one of the major surgeries, tummy tuck before and after pictures helps patients decide whether they want to undergo this type of body contouring procedure. Ask your surgeon to show you before and after pictures in all angles give an idea about the surgery and its results. 

tummy tuck before and after pictures

Internet is one of the best way to compare the before and after photos. However, the advanced software’s or effects like Photoshop, multimedia and other related are making the photos with red eye reduction, enhancing and changing colors and almost whatever a person can expect can be presented with them. Patients must consider this because these are edited photos- not the real or original copies.

Many of the pictures online are very powerful and get a response even without thinking whether it is real or not. So, when considering pictures:
  • Think about the lightening effects.
  • Examine in all angles.
  • Look for marks and scars.

Some people consider liposuction and tummy tuck are the same and hence they proceed with Liposuction before and after Pictures. Although both tummy tuck and liposuction procedures aim at reshaping the body, they are very different.  A tummy tuck targets the abdominal area while a liposuction can be used to treat almost any area of the body.

Many people ask what to compare in the before and after pictures and how to estimate the result. To help such people here we provide valuable information to let them know about them.
  • Pictures help in finding the superb bodies after the surgery
  • Finding a qualified plastic surgeon is required in order to get results that you like in a particular set of before and after pictures.
  • Observe the images in the real light because of the lighting effects the image may not show the original results.
  • Pay special attention to images of patients with similar body types as yours.
Choosing a board certified doctor and reviewing their before and after pictures will help make your experience smoother. Spend most of your research time to check the pros and cons of the procedure; this will help minimize the possibility of risks and complications.

Thursday 26 April 2012

Breast Augmentation and Tummy Tuck -The Perfect Combination to Get Pre-pregnancy Body Back

Many of today’s moms would agree that they shouldn’t sacrifice the way they look just because they have had children.  There are many plastic surgeons in Los Angeles and Beverly Hills that specialize in patients in their 20s, 30s, and 40s that want to improve their post pregnancy body.  Many patients that have had children will complain that pregnancy transformed their bodies and they want their tummies and breasts back to the way they looked like before pregnancy.

The two most common plastic surgery procedures are tummy tucks and breast lifts.  After breast feeding, mothers will find that their breasts have decreased in volume and changed in shape.  Sometimes the breasts will begin to sag and women will seek to plastic surgery to help correct this.  A breast augmentation is recommended to patients who wish to get regain the volume that they lost during pregnancy.  Many surgeons will recommend their patients get a breast augmentation in combination with a breast lift in order to get the best natural looking results.

Tummy Tuck before and after

Some surgeons will use small breast implants- not so much to drastically increase the size of the breasts but mainly to give women back the volume that they lost during and after pregnancy. It is important that patients view the Breast Augmentation before and after to get an idea of what results they can expect for their body type.  When a breast augmentation is combined with a tummy tuck, the results can transform the body into ways that the patients didn’t think were possible.  This combination of procedures is known a tummy tuck and is a safe and efficient way to get your body back into the shape. A majority of the mommy makeover patients are between the ages of 22 and 64.

By looking at Tummy Tuck before and after pictures of former patients you will be able to see how the patients have achieved a flat abdomen and a nice-looking midriff.  The mommy makeover can be done in one simple surgery for most women.  In some cases, the surgeon will recommend that the procedure be broken down into more than one day.  This is usually determined on the patient’s medical history and body type.  Your surgeon will give you a list of steps to take to ensure that pain and recovery time is minimal.

Breast Augmentation and Liposuction- Before and After Precautions in a Cosmetic Surgery

The two cosmetic procedures liposuction and breast augmentation are widely popular for their ability to make a person and a woman in particular, get a beautiful body. A liposuction may remove excess fat deposits to improve body contours and proportion. In spite of having good health, some people have localized fat deposits that may make the body look out of proportion. These fat deposits are usually present in thighs, arm, neck, hips, waist, back, inner knee, chest, cheeks, chin, calves and ankles. Usually, a liposuction is performed either alone along with other cosmetic procedures such as facelift, breast reduction or tummy tuck.

A liposuction procedure starts with the patient consulting a surgeon where they may be evaluated through their medical history as well as a physical and psychological exam. Most of the time, it is recommended to bring along a spouse or friend. The patient is encouraged to ask any questions they might feel so that they are completely sure about the procedure and its desired outcome. Generally, the plastic surgeon will tell the patient about the procedure and the precautions to be taken before and after surgery. The patient may also like to have a look at liposuction before and after pictures. One important thing to remember is that the procedure helps to enhance the look up to a certain extent and may not make drastic changes to the appearance or lifestyle.

breast augmentation before and after

Women having had undergone pregnancy or a weight loss program may have experienced a loss in breast volume. Other women may have small breasts even after having full growth. For such women, the field of cosmetic surgery has come up with a safe and efficient breast enlargement surgery that can help to get fuller breasts and restore the breast volume.

The procedure is done on an outpatient basis where before performing the procedure, the patient is administered an anesthesia that may relieve the patient of pain. The breast implants used are either filled with saline or silicone to give the breasts a fuller look. When it comes to placing the implants, the surgeon may approach the procedure using one among the four techniques available.

As with any other cosmetic procedure, the surgeon may ask the patient to follow some breast augmentation before and after precautions. Before augmentation procedure, the patient may require undergoing mammogram or x-rays for the breast, stop taking medications that make the blood clotting hard, stop smoking, etc. The after surgery care may require the patient to have a bulky gauze around the breasts and chest or wear a surgical bra. Additionally, drainage tubes may also be attached to the breasts for up to 3 days.   

Monday 16 April 2012

Liposuction Before and After - Liposuction Beverly Hills - Two Great Procedures That Work Together

Do you know the difference between liposuction Beverly Hills and tummy tuck Beverly Hills? These are, without a doubt, two of the most common and most popular procedures in the Beverly Hills area. In fact, their popularity extends well beyond the region of Beverly Hills, out to Malibu, Hollywood, and anywhere else where the stars congregate. But, for some reason, many people mistakenly believe that they are the same thing. Not quite -- but they are two great treatments that work well together to sculpt your body. Here is a quick rundown of what you can expect from each one.

Liposuction Before and After is really something that you can consider to be the “first step” toward tummy tuck Beverly Hills. You will usually have these procedures done by the same doctor. In the rare cases where they are done separately, there is usually a medical partnership involved. In any case, lipo is a very familiar procedure and it has become much safer in the more than thirty years of modern lipo history. However, not everyone is a good lipo candidate, and even those who are usually find that there is a deposit of extra skin left over from the procedure.

Liposuction Before and After

In most cases, liposuction will remove less than twenty pounds of fat, by targeting areas on the body where there is a ready “pocket” of the substance to be removed. If your procedure is going to focus on the midsection, then you will probably want to go from there to the tummy tuck before and after. The tummy tuck is a separate procedure that will remove the extra skin and help give your body the contoured look that you want. Lipo is also known as “lipo sculpting,” because with the right combination of procedures, you can look as if you lost much more fat than you did!

Liposuction Beverly Hills has sometimes helped people to remove as much as fifty pounds, although most people will not remove quite this much. Tummy tuck Beverly Hills is the logical next step. Although you do increase the time it will take you to completely recover by adding a tummy tuck, the benefits are definitely worth it. You will look and feel better, and be able to enjoy the new look you were after much sooner. So, if you are thinking about lipo, do yourself a favor and also ask about the tuck! You will certainly be glad that you did!

Tuesday 27 March 2012

Breast Augmentation Beverly Hills- Finding a Breast Augmentation Specialist

If you are uncomfortable with the size of your breasts and you have decided to undergo breast enlargement, the first thing that you need to do is find a plastic surgeon that will deliver natural looking results.  One of the best ways to find a breast augmentation specialist is to ask others that have already had this type of surgery done.  Getting in touch with former patients gives you a more detailed idea of what to expect after surgery.  They will give you an honest opinion on what you can expect after Breast Augmentation Beverly Hills.  Patients are able to give you an honest opinion on the good and bad things about their surgeons.  Schedule a consult with at least three qualified plastic surgeons so that you can choose the most experienced.

Breast Augmentation is a cosmetic procedure that increases the size of a woman’s breast by using implants.  These implants are usually saline or silicone implants.  The saline breast implants consist of an exterior sack that is made of solid silicone and is filled with a solution.  If the Breast Implants Beverly Hills ever ruptures, the saline gets absorbed safely by the body.  The other type of breast implants is filled with silicone gel.  Many surgeons and patients believe that silicone implants have a more natural look and feel than saline implants.

During your consultation you will be given an in depth evaluation, and overview of the procedure, the pros and cons of the technique, potential risks and complications, and more.  At this time you will also be asked to try silicone and saline implants to see which one is most suitable.  When you meet with your potential surgeon, don’t be afraid to ask about their credentials and training.  Ask how many breast augmentation procedures they have performed and how many of these have resulted in complications.  It is important to look for a surgeon that has a high success rate. The surgeon should have privileges at a local hospital in case a complication arises.  Once you have decided the type and size of breast implants you want, and the surgeon that will perform the procedure, the breast implants will be inserted to enhance your figure and make your breasts look larger and fuller.

Brazil Butt Lift – Balancing Your Looks Using Butt Implants

A Brazil butt lift is a surgical procedure that may help to increase the size and shape of the buttocks using implants. Buttocks are very difficult to enlarge or shape using weight training or diet. The procedure may involve using a technique known as Brazil butt lift. The procedure uses liposuction to extract fat from thighs, abdomen or flank. The fat after being purified is injected back into the buttocks. During an initial consultation, the surgeon may discuss about goals and desires and how big they want the butts to be. A full medical examination may be performed to make sure that the patient is healthy enough to undergo a Brazilian butt lift. The most common type of butt implant used is Style 3 implant. It is a round, non-directional type of implant and gives uniform projection. The other implants used are of Style 1 and Style 2 that are of general shape, are not same in dimensions and require placing of implants in a specific orientation.

A Brazil butt lift starts with making a 3-inch incision at the midline. It creates a pocket for solid silicone implant that’s placed between the muscle and fat. Some cases may require the implants to be placed inside the main muscles. These implants may be helped scar tissues to keep the implants in their place. The butt implants that come in various sizes and shapes may only round out upper and outer parts. During the procedure, the patient may be administered general anesthesia. The surgeon should see to it that after placing the implants the buttocks are symmetrical and look natural. The whole procedure may be completed in 2-3 hours.

A bandage may be placed that provides compression to reduce discomfort and swelling. The patient may require a friend or spouse to be with them for few days and help them around with daily works. The bandage may be removed after 2-3 days. This may allow the patient to take shower and move around normally. The results may start to appear more natural as the muscle stretches gradually. It may take another 4 weeks to resume strenuous activities such as exercises, cycling and running.

The cost of Brazil butt lift may cost somewhere around $8000-$15000. It may involve the surgeon’s fee, anesthesia fee, operating room fee and implant fee. As the procedure is cosmetic one, it may not be covered by health insurers.    

Monday 19 March 2012

Liposuction Beverly Hills - Sculpt Your Body into Exactly How You Want to Look

When you walk down Rodeo Drive with the backdrop of Beverly Hills behind you, it is not unusual to see a wide selection of fit looking people. When you live in the Hollywood Hills or play along the Sunset Strip, you will find that the people who look the best are often the ones that feel the best and have the most confidence. If you are having some problems getting your body to look just as you want it, then consider Beverly Hills liposuction services. The complete Liposuction Recovery can take several weeks.  You should be accompanied for the first 24 hours after your surgery in case you need extra care.  A tummy tuck is used by more people than you would believe and for some people it is their secret weapon to looking good. But it does not need to be a secret when you start using these services for yourself.  Some people can diet and exercise until they are to the point of exhaustion and still not get the results they are looking for.

If you have a specific look in mind for your body, then Beverly Hills liposuction services may be just what you need. People come from as far away as the Thousand Oaks area and even the Los Angeles suburbs to get a Beverly Hills tummy tuck. You do not need to be one of the rich and famous to get the right services to sculpt your body into the shape you are looking for. All you need is the initiative to make that first appointment and get started with a doctor that you trust.

There is a reason why Beverly Hills liposuction services are so popular with people from all over the country. There is a very exclusive clientele that trusts these medical professionals to get the right results. A Beverly Hills tummy tuck is as much a work of art as it is a medical procedure. When the people in Beverly Hills want something done, they are very particular about getting the best possible results. This demand for excellence has helped to develop the liposuction professionals in Beverly Hills into some of the best in the world. They get results and you should be benefiting from those results.

The doctors who perform liposuction Beverly Hills services are just waiting for you to make that call. The next time you are browsing through some of the most exclusive Beverly Hills stores, you should give some thought to a Beverly Hills tummy tuck. It may be one of the best investments you will ever make.