Friday 29 June 2012

Liposuction and Breast Augmentation in Beverly Hills

A trim physique says a lot about a person: it says that this person is active, that she takes care of herself, that she takes pride in her appearance, and that she wants to make the best impression on everyone she meets. Getting a trim physique can often seem like more work than it's worth. Diet and exercised is tedious and often don’t produce the results you want.   It can be difficult to find time and energy to exercise, especially considering how busy people tend to be these days. Liposuction has been helping people for years to get the body they desire.

Getting liposuction can make you feel slimmer and sexier than you have in years. And your body rejuvenation doesn't have to stop there. Many patients choose to combine a liposuction with a tummy tuck to further sculpt their body to get results similar to the Liposuction before and after pictures they like.  Whether it's because of a lack of exercise, your diet got away from you, or you've had a few kids, it can be difficult to get those perfectly flat abs you desire without a little surgical help.   Luckily, there are new techniques for these body contouring procedures which help make slimming down easier with a short recovery time.

Breast Augmentation before and after pictures

Sometimes, achieving the body you want isn't just about taking things away that you wish weren't there. Sometimes, it can also be about adding a little enhancement to areas that you wish were more accentuated. That's exactly what breast enhancement procedures offered in Beverly Hills can do. With a breast augmentation you can highlight the appearance of a tiny waist. Breast implants can help you attain the voluptuous figure that you've always envied on other women. This summer, you'll be the envy of other women as you show off your new beach body, filling out that bikini top in admirable fashion.

But in order to build the perfect body for yourself you see in breast augmentation or Liposuction before and after pictures, you need the ultimate plastic surgeon in Beverly Hills. Why Beverly Hills? Because Beverly Hills, has the most experienced plastic surgeons in the nation. And you know what they say: practice makes perfect. If that's true, then it's no surprise that Beverly Hills surgeons are the best; after all, they've had more practice than any other plastic surgeons in the world.

Monday 25 June 2012

View Tummy Tuck before and after pictures - Is A Tummy Tuck Right for You?

There are thousands of Americans that are tired working out and cutting back on the foods they love without seeing any progress in their bodies. Fortunately for these people, there is a surgery called abdominoplasty, also known as a tummy tuck which removes excess fat and skin from the abdominal area.  During this procedure the plastic surgeon creates a flatter and firmer midsection so that the patients have the ability to build firmer abs.  Often times, this procedure is confused with liposuction.  Although the two body contouring procedures have a lot in common, there are a few differences to note.  A liposuction procedure removes fat from certain areas of the body but it does not remove excess skin from the body.

Scheduling a consultation with a board certified plastic surgeon will help you determine if a tummy tuck is a good procedure for you because they will factor in your medical history with their experience.  Talk to your surgeon about the pros and cons about the procedure to help you make an educated decision.  Maintaining a stable weight through diet and exercise are key in achieving good results as seen in tummy tuck before and after pictures.

Tummy Tuck before and after pictures

If you are thinking about having another pregnancy or planning to lose more weight, it is recommended that you wait until after to have a tummy tuck procedure.  Just like with any surgery, there are risks and complications involved in a tummy tuck.  One of the most common side effects patients experience is pain and soreness in the midsection a few days after the surgery.  In some rare cases, infection and bleeding between the skin flaps can happen and thick scars can develop.

Patients that undergo a tummy tuck are usually hoping to achieve an abdominal profile that is flatter and smoother.  In order to achieve results as you see in tummy tuck before and after pictures the plastic surgeon needs to remove excess skin from the abdomen while also tightening the loose abdominal muscles.  Browsing through before and after pictures of patients with similar body shapes and sizes will help give you realistic expectations for your surgery.  If there are no images available online for the surgeon you are considering, be sure to ask him/her when you go in for your consultation.

Tuesday 5 June 2012

Liposuction Trends in Los Angeles

Liposuction, which is also known as lipoplasty, liposculpture suction lipectomy, or quite simply, lipo, is based on an European curettage technique, but the primitive technique gave irregular and disease-susceptible results, leaving fat reduction as a not-yet-available, futuristic method for cosmetic enhancement. It wasn’t until the 1980s when modern liposuction as we know it came to be. And now, over 30 years after the first actual liposuction, advancements in surgical technology have allowed more fat cells to be more easily removed with less risk, discomfort, and blood loss. According to the most recent figure released by the American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery, liposuction was the most common procedure performed in 2011- having a near 13% increase from the previous year.

In the past, women have shied away from drawing attention to their rear ends, but with celebrities known for their curvaceous backsides- such as Kim Kardashian, J-Lo, and Beyonce- all ending up on “Most Beautiful Body” lists everywhere, it seems as though society and popular culture has come to embrace a woman’s shapely derriere. The advent of giving prominence to the female’s buttocks is perhaps a reason for the recent surge in liposuction’s popularity. Brazilian Butt Lifts are becoming an increasingly common form of sought-after liposuction surgery. In a nutshell, this procedure is buttock augmentation via fat transfer to the buttock; essentially, you can now liposuction unwanted fat from a certain part of the body, say your abdomen or thighs, and strategically transfer them to your buttocks to produce the desired shape. Although patients are discouraged from sitting for the first two weeks in order to encourage new cell growth, they can expect up to a 25% increase in the size of their buttocks after the procedure, with the results being (theoretically) permanent.

liposuction before and after pictures

Because of recent trends and its rising popularity, buttock augmentation surgery and liposuction recovery Los Angeles technology has been on the media and technological developments forefront. Revolutionary methods within the field of liposuction have cut surgery and recovery times while raising patients’ satisfaction levels. These recent developments mean buttock augmentation surgery needs to neither use buttock implants anymore nor use general anesthesia (which is more costly and riskier than local anesthesia). Patients are now able to stay awake during their entire buttock augmentation procedure while experiencing only very little comfort. Since patients are getting their own fat transferred, the chances of tissue rejection are very low, and the results are smoother and more natural looking than with traditional buttock augmentation surgeries, as evidenced by liposuction before and after pictures.