Thursday 26 April 2012

Breast Augmentation and Liposuction- Before and After Precautions in a Cosmetic Surgery

The two cosmetic procedures liposuction and breast augmentation are widely popular for their ability to make a person and a woman in particular, get a beautiful body. A liposuction may remove excess fat deposits to improve body contours and proportion. In spite of having good health, some people have localized fat deposits that may make the body look out of proportion. These fat deposits are usually present in thighs, arm, neck, hips, waist, back, inner knee, chest, cheeks, chin, calves and ankles. Usually, a liposuction is performed either alone along with other cosmetic procedures such as facelift, breast reduction or tummy tuck.

A liposuction procedure starts with the patient consulting a surgeon where they may be evaluated through their medical history as well as a physical and psychological exam. Most of the time, it is recommended to bring along a spouse or friend. The patient is encouraged to ask any questions they might feel so that they are completely sure about the procedure and its desired outcome. Generally, the plastic surgeon will tell the patient about the procedure and the precautions to be taken before and after surgery. The patient may also like to have a look at liposuction before and after pictures. One important thing to remember is that the procedure helps to enhance the look up to a certain extent and may not make drastic changes to the appearance or lifestyle.

breast augmentation before and after

Women having had undergone pregnancy or a weight loss program may have experienced a loss in breast volume. Other women may have small breasts even after having full growth. For such women, the field of cosmetic surgery has come up with a safe and efficient breast enlargement surgery that can help to get fuller breasts and restore the breast volume.

The procedure is done on an outpatient basis where before performing the procedure, the patient is administered an anesthesia that may relieve the patient of pain. The breast implants used are either filled with saline or silicone to give the breasts a fuller look. When it comes to placing the implants, the surgeon may approach the procedure using one among the four techniques available.

As with any other cosmetic procedure, the surgeon may ask the patient to follow some breast augmentation before and after precautions. Before augmentation procedure, the patient may require undergoing mammogram or x-rays for the breast, stop taking medications that make the blood clotting hard, stop smoking, etc. The after surgery care may require the patient to have a bulky gauze around the breasts and chest or wear a surgical bra. Additionally, drainage tubes may also be attached to the breasts for up to 3 days.   

1 comment:

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