Monday 25 June 2012

View Tummy Tuck before and after pictures - Is A Tummy Tuck Right for You?

There are thousands of Americans that are tired working out and cutting back on the foods they love without seeing any progress in their bodies. Fortunately for these people, there is a surgery called abdominoplasty, also known as a tummy tuck which removes excess fat and skin from the abdominal area.  During this procedure the plastic surgeon creates a flatter and firmer midsection so that the patients have the ability to build firmer abs.  Often times, this procedure is confused with liposuction.  Although the two body contouring procedures have a lot in common, there are a few differences to note.  A liposuction procedure removes fat from certain areas of the body but it does not remove excess skin from the body.

Scheduling a consultation with a board certified plastic surgeon will help you determine if a tummy tuck is a good procedure for you because they will factor in your medical history with their experience.  Talk to your surgeon about the pros and cons about the procedure to help you make an educated decision.  Maintaining a stable weight through diet and exercise are key in achieving good results as seen in tummy tuck before and after pictures.

Tummy Tuck before and after pictures

If you are thinking about having another pregnancy or planning to lose more weight, it is recommended that you wait until after to have a tummy tuck procedure.  Just like with any surgery, there are risks and complications involved in a tummy tuck.  One of the most common side effects patients experience is pain and soreness in the midsection a few days after the surgery.  In some rare cases, infection and bleeding between the skin flaps can happen and thick scars can develop.

Patients that undergo a tummy tuck are usually hoping to achieve an abdominal profile that is flatter and smoother.  In order to achieve results as you see in tummy tuck before and after pictures the plastic surgeon needs to remove excess skin from the abdomen while also tightening the loose abdominal muscles.  Browsing through before and after pictures of patients with similar body shapes and sizes will help give you realistic expectations for your surgery.  If there are no images available online for the surgeon you are considering, be sure to ask him/her when you go in for your consultation.


  1. Such before/after pics convinced me that this procedure is the best thing for me. After a crazy diet I had to get rid of the saggy skin from my abdomen. After searching for a solution, a tummy tuck in Toronto was the best I found. On I found similar before after pictures that convinced me to have it done.
    It's amazing what the surgeon did...never thought I will look that great, even after such a surgery, but thanks to Dr Jerome that happened.

  2. Big belly is problem for many peoples.So the people want to get fit belly they go for a tummy tuck surgery.Tummy tuck before & after
    gives a great result for them.
